Improving Learning Environments through Behavior Science

behavioral crisis deescalation strategies

Free Video instructions with this Infographic:

5 Simple & Effective Strategies to De-escalate Behavior and Prevent a Behavioral Crisis

In this simple, easy to understand video, Dr. Paul Gavoni walks you through the five strategies in this infographic.

These Five Effective Strategies are:

  • Simple to learn and apply
  • Tested and proven to work in tens of thousands of cases
  • Based on the science of Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Highly likely to reduce the chance that minor problem behavior       escalates into a real behavioral crisis

Wait, there is more...

Did you like this instructional video explaining these 5 strategies?
The PCMA curriculum has actually hundreds of them, and focuses on teaching not only the WHAT and HOW of you can prevent, de-escalate or re-integrate, but also provides clear criteria on WHEN you can use what kind of strategy.

If you want to see more but are not ready to talk to us, click on the button below where you get
free access to some actual PCM course material.

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We are the Professional Crisis Management Association and we improve learning environments through Behavior Science
10269 NW 46th Street   - Sunrise  - FL  - 33351  - USA